“And Judas (Machabeus) said: Gird yourselves, and be valiant men, and be ready against the morning, that you may fight with these nations that are assembled against us to destroy us and our sanctuary.For it is better for us to die in battle, than to see the evils of our nation, and of the holies: Nevertheless as it shall be the will of God in heaven so be it done." (First Book of Machabees 3:58-60)

The First and Second books of Machabees recount how, in 167 B.C., the priest, Mattathias,refused to worship the Greek gods, sparking a rebellion of the Jews against Antiochus IV who had tried to supplant their religion with the veneration of his own pagan gods. Judas Machabeus and his brothers, sons of Mattathias, continued the war against the subjugation of their homeland and their religion.

In 17th Century Ireland the regiment of Owen Roe ONeill identified its struggle for freedom of faith and country with that of the Holy Machabees of Old Testament Judea. ONeill referred to his followers as his Irish Machabeans.

The same war between good and evil, one that has been waged from the beginning of time until now, still rages on. Inspired by the heroism of Machabeus, of Owen Roe ONeill and their followers, the Irish Machabean is dedicated to resisting all the outrages being perpetrated against the Catholic faith and against the Irish people in our days.

Sunday, 17 May 2015

Strange Priorities in Modern Ireland

What should we make of the fact that the government, the media, and several representative bodies of society are pushing for the introduction of same sex “marriage” and even making of it the number one issue of our time?

It seems utterly surreal to observe our rulers sycophantically competing with each other to be the first and greatest champion of this dubious cause.

One might be excused for thinking that the burning issue of the day would have something to do with the survival of the human race or of what remains of civilisation.

This should be especially obvious in times like these, when society seems to be close to complete meltdown – socially, economically, politically and morally. Faced with this reality the Irish government can’t think of anything better to do than to make same-sex “marriage” its top priority.

Here are some of the issues that are being de-prioritised to make way for same-sex “marriage”:

- Top military analysts believe that this year will not pass without a major increase of hostilities between Russia and the West. Already Russia is provoking the West, testing our defences. Each day brings new threats, veiled or open, from the Russian regime. Even Irish controlled airspace has been violated several times, at least twice by nuclear armed Russian bombers, which actually interfered with Irish civilian flights;

- A new caliphate is being established in the Middle East, terrorising the world with its extreme level of violence. ISIS has opened up several cells throughout Europe and has carried out several attacks against Europe and the USA. Meanwhile the West is opposing it with half-hearted and ineffectual campaigns. We occasionally see reports that some militants of ISIS have been killed – even hundreds or thousands of them. But that is not going to stop a force of 200,000 fighters that is attracting hundreds of new recruits every day;

- Economists, forecasters, investors – many of them the top in their field – are foreseeing the likelihood of an economic crisis worse than that of 2008. Some of them go so far as to predict total economic collapse, pointing to the budgetary crisis in countries like Greece as an indicator of the direction in which world economy is going;

- Dissatisfaction with government throughout the West has never been higher. Protests and even riots in the streets over political and economic measures are becoming commonplace. Prosperous countries such as France, Germany and the USA are experiencing widespread rioting. And we can expect it to get worse too;

- Corruption at every level of government has reached critical levels;

- Hospitals, schools and other public services are in crisis;

Even for those who don’t have time to follow world events, and for whom economic collapse and world war are remote menaces, it is no longer possible to ignore the very real danger of complete disintegration of society through escalating crime rates responded to with ever softer and more ineffectual punishments.

But the tranquil lives of our rulers must not be disturbed by such burdensome thoughts of dangers and existential threats. Issues that are less apocalyptical – if not less destructive of society – are easier to deal with, at least in the short term.

This short-term outlook will enable them to continue to bury their heads in the sand, in the certainty (or at least the hope) that the consequences of their insouciance won’t arrive until after they have departed their political office, if not this life.

So they attend to reproductive rights (meaning the right to not reproduce), adoptive rights (the rights of adults, that is) and, of course, the rights and privileges accorded on the basis of sexual orientations.

Thus they encourage the pursuit of rights without responsibility.

In this the action of the State is the opposite to that of the Church, which reminds us that rights always have corresponding duties and responsibilities. The Church teaches that sexual activity is only legitimate within marriage, which is between one man and one woman, for life, and that it must always be open to bringing new life.

Meanwhile the government is euphoric about reports that the economy could be recovering. In fairness, they might actually believe their own propaganda although, if they do, it is just another indication of the degree to which they are out of touch with reality.

Economic growth depends on population growth. There is not much of that going on, as our birth rates are below replacement level, and will continue to drop the more legislation and culture are focussed on self-gratification and relieving marriage of the responsibility for procreation.

This is a European-wide problem, and not exclusively Irish.

But, how far do we have to fall before our political elite are shaken out of their stupor of indifference and induced to turn away from their secularist, politically correct and morally bankrupt ideology?

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