“And Judas (Machabeus) said: Gird yourselves, and be valiant men, and be ready against the morning, that you may fight with these nations that are assembled against us to destroy us and our sanctuary.For it is better for us to die in battle, than to see the evils of our nation, and of the holies: Nevertheless as it shall be the will of God in heaven so be it done." (First Book of Machabees 3:58-60)

The First and Second books of Machabees recount how, in 167 B.C., the priest, Mattathias,refused to worship the Greek gods, sparking a rebellion of the Jews against Antiochus IV who had tried to supplant their religion with the veneration of his own pagan gods. Judas Machabeus and his brothers, sons of Mattathias, continued the war against the subjugation of their homeland and their religion.

In 17th Century Ireland the regiment of Owen Roe ONeill identified its struggle for freedom of faith and country with that of the Holy Machabees of Old Testament Judea. ONeill referred to his followers as his Irish Machabeans.

The same war between good and evil, one that has been waged from the beginning of time until now, still rages on. Inspired by the heroism of Machabeus, of Owen Roe ONeill and their followers, the Irish Machabean is dedicated to resisting all the outrages being perpetrated against the Catholic faith and against the Irish people in our days.

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Don’t Treat Wolves Like Lost Sheep

The doctrine of Our Lord Jesus Christ is full of seemingly antagonistic truths which nevertheless when examined closely, far from mutually denying one another actually complement one another, forming a truly marvelous harmony. This is the case, for example, with the seeming contradiction between Divine justice and goodness. God is at the same time infinitely just and infinitely merciful. Whenever we close our eyes to one of these perfections in order to understand the other we fall into grave error. In His earthly life, Our Lord Jesus Christ gave admirable proofs of His gentleness and His severity.

Let us not try to “correct” Our Lord’s personality according to the smallness of our views, to close our eyes to the Savior’s kindness in order to better understand His justice; nor on the other hand, to turn away from His justice in order to better understand His infinite compassion for sinners. Our Lord showed Himself perfect and adorable both when He welcomed Mary Magdalene with ineffably sweet forgiveness and when He punished the Pharisees violent language. Let us not tear up any of these pages from the Holy Gospel. Let us understand and adore Our Lord’s perfections as they reveal themselves in both episodes. And finally, let us understand that our imitation of Our Lord Jesus Christ will only be perfect the day we know not only how to forgive, comfort and caress but also to scourge, denounce and fulminate as Our Lord.

There are many Catholics who consider as unworthy of imitation the episodes of the Gospel showing the Messiah's holy wrath against the ignominy and treachery of the Pharisees. At least that is what emerges from the way they consider the apostolate. They always talk about sweetness and always seek to imitate this virtue of Our Lord. May God bless them for that; but why don’t they seek to imitate the other virtues of Our Lord?

Very often, when one proposes some energetic action in matters of the apostolate the invariable answer is that we must proceed with the utmost gentleness “in order not to further alienate those who have fallen astray.” Could one sustain that strong action invariably causes the misguided to “drive even further away”? Could it be argued that when Our Lord called to task the Pharisees with burning invectives He did so with the intention of “driving those misguided ones even further away”? Or should one perhaps suppose that Our Lord did not know or care about the “catastrophic” effect that His words would cause on the Pharisees? Who would dare admit such blasphemy against Our Lord, the Incarnate Wisdom?

God forbid we should call for strong action and verbal violence as the only remedies for souls. God forbid, however, that we should banish such heroic remedies from our methods of apostolate. There are circumstances in which one should be suave and other circumstances in which one should employ holy “violence.” It is always a grave evil to be gentle when circumstances require severity, or severe when circumstances require suavity.

* * *
All this unilateral order of ideas we are denouncing stems from a one-sided consideration of the Parables. There are many people who take the parable of the lost sheep as the only one in the Gospel. Now, this is a very serious mistake that we do not want to shrink from denouncing.

Our Lord not only speaks of the lost sheep, unfortunately bloodied by thorns, which the shepherd patiently seeks out at the bottom of the abyss. Our Lord also tells us about rapacious wolves that constantly surround the fold watching for an opportunity to slip in disguised in sheep’s clothing. Now if a shepherd who knows how to tenderly carry a lost sheep on his shoulders is admirable, what could be said of a shepherd who were to abandon his faithful flock and walk a long distance to fetch a wolf disguised in sheep’s clothing, lovingly take it on his shoulders, open the doors of the fold to it and place the ravenous wolf among the sheep?

However, if they were to apply effectively the unilateral principles of apostolate that they profess, how many Catholics would act exactly this way!

* * *

In order to better understand that the perfect imitation of Our Lord is not found only in meekness and suavity but also in severity we will cite a few episodes and sentences of some saints. A saint is one whom the Church has declared with infallible authority to have been a perfect imitator of Our Lord. How did the Saints imitate Our Lord? Let us see.

Saint Ignatius of Antioch, a martyr of the second century wrote several letters to various churches[1] before being martyred. These letters contain phrases about heretics such as: “ferocious beasts (Eph. 7); rapacious wolves (Phil. 2.2.); mad dogs that attack treacherously (Eph. 7); beasts with men’s face (Smyrn. 4.1.); Devil’s herbs (Eph 10.1.); parasite plants that the Father hath not planted (Tral. 11); crops destined for the eternal fire (Eph. 16.2).”

As we see, this way of dealing with heretics closely followed the examples of Saint John the Baptist who called the scribes and Pharisees a “brood of vipers,” and of Our Lord Jesus Christ Who named them “hypocrites” and liked them to “whited sepulchres.”

The Apostles proceeded in the same manner. Saint Irenaeus, a martyr of the second century and disciple of Saint Polycarp, who in turn had been a disciple of Saint John the Evangelist, recounts that when the apostle went to the baths he withdrew without washing because there he saw Corinth, a heretic who denied the divinity of Jesus Christ, for fear, he said, that the building would came down because in it was Corinth, an enemy of truth. The same Saint Polycarp, meeting one day with Marcion, a Docetist heretic who asked if he knew him, replied: “No doubt, you are the first-born of Satan.”

Moreover, in doing so they followed Saint Paul’s advice: “A man that is a heretic, after the first and second admonition, avoid” (Titus 3:10).

If the same Saint Polycarp happened to meet with a heretic he would cover his ears and exclaim: “God of goodness, why hast Thou kept me on earth to endure such things?” And he would immediately flee to avoid such company.

In the fourth century Saint Athanasius recounts that Saint Anthony the hermit called the speeches of heretics a poison worse than that of snakes.

And this is the way the Holy Fathers treated heretics in general, as can be seen from an article published in Civiltà Cattolica, a journal founded by His Holiness Pius IX and entrusted to the Jesuits fathers in Rome. In this article they cite several examples that I transcribe:

“Saint Thomas Aquinas, sometimes presented as invariably peaceful towards his enemies, in one of his polemics with William of Holy Love, who still had not been condemned by the Church, thus treated him and his henchmen: “Enemies of God, ministers of the devil, members of the Antichrist, enemies of the salvation of mankind, slanderers, sewers of blasphemy, reprobates, wicked, ignorant, equal to Pharaoh, worse than Jovinian and Vigilantius (heretics who denied the virginity of Our Lady).” Saint Bonaventure called Gerald, one of his contemporaries, “impudent, libelous, crazy, poisoner, ignorant, deceitful, wicked, foolish, perfidious.”

The mellifluous Saint Bernard, talking about Arnold of Brescia who led a schism against the clergy and church property, called him: “disordered, vagabond, impostor, vessel of ignominy, scorpion vomited out of Brescia, viewed with horror in Rome, with abomination in Germany, scorned by the Roman Pontiff, praised by the devil, worker of iniquity, devourer of the people, mouth full of cursing, sower of discord, maker of schisms, ferocious wolf.”

In more ancient times, Saint Gregory the Great, rebuking John, Bishop of Constantinople, denounced to his face his profane and abominable pride, the pride of Lucifer, his foolish words, vanity and lack of intelligence.

Nor did Saints Fulgentius, Prosper, Jerome, Siricius Pope, John Chrysostom, Ambrose, Gregory Nazianzen, Basil, Hilary, Athanasius, Alexander Bishop of Alexandria, the holy martyrs Cornelius and Cyprian, Athenagoras, Irenaeus, Polycarp, Ignatius martyr, Clement, and finally all the Fathers of the Church who distinguished themselves by their heroic virtue speak otherwise.

If one wishes to know what rules the Doctors and Theologians of the Church provided to be followed in controversies with heretics, read Saint Francis de Sales, the gentle Saint Francis de Sales in Philotea, chapter 20 of Part 2: “The declared enemies of God and the Church should be vilified as much as possible (provided the truth is respected) and it is a work of charity to cry: Behold the wolf! when it is amidst the flock, or anywhere else it is found.”[2]

How many protests we would have to listen to if Legionário were to publish against contemporary enemies of the Church half of what has been said above!

The preceding article was originally published in O Legionário, on September 28, 1941. It has been translated and adapted for publication without the author’s revision. –Ed. 
The Irish Machabean has republished this article from the website of the American TFP

1.The Letters, or Epistles of Saint Ignatius of Antioch, Father of the Church. Among these letters are those to the Ephesians, Philadelphians, Smyrnæans, and Trallians, mentioned here.

2.Hitherto quotes are from the article in Civiltà Cattolica, vol. I, section V, p. 27.

Friday, 20 November 2015

Immigration: Charity and Common Sense

In the wake of last week’s Paris attacks the topic of immigration has been brought back into the forefront of public discourse.

And as usual left wing liberals denounce as racist anyone with even the slightest misgiving about unlimited immigration.

They don’t explain, nor apparently even notice, the internal contradictions in their own position.

Many people who would prefer to limit immigration are mainly worried about one particular strand of the whole broad spectrum of possible immigrant groups. This particular strand is muslim immigration, and it is mightily defended and continually excused by liberals.

It must be complicated being a liberal these days.

On the one hand, they denounce as misogynist all opponents, however mild, of the feminist movement; to them the least challenge to same-sex “marriage” is homophobic; they think that only an uptight prude would call for modesty in dress or behaviour, and that only a racist would advocate immigration policies being subservient to common sense. They despise militarism.

But on the other hand, the culture that liberals support, defend and tirelessly excuse – islam with its sharia law – has women walking around in body bags, as the private property of their men folk; has homosexuals thrown from high roofs or burnt alive; flays, pours acid in the face of, or “honour” kills immodest women who dare expose to public view as much as an ankle or who bring disrepute upon the male members of their families; and whose spokesmen regularly announce plans to wipe out the entire Jewish race.

Oh, and the leftist liberal pompously declares that all this violence emanating from islam is caused by right wing extremism. Which is akin to using as an excuse, after committing a crime: “The devil made me do it.”

Immigration policy should be based on a combination of charity and common sense.
Charity dictates that, unless there is a grave reason to act otherwise, we should welcome visitors to our shores.

Common sense raises some questions:

At what rate can we accept immigrants, and still enable them to adapt and assimilate to our culture?
What would qualify as an exception to the rule of charity? Should we, for example, accept declared enemies, who have credibly claimed that they will suppress our culture, marry our daughters and supplant our religion?

When it comes to refugees, charity may desire to take them all in, providing food and shelter for those in need.

Of course common sense will ask the perhaps unwelcome questions:

What can we afford to do? How much can we give without impoverishing our own people?

How much can we give now without risking not being able to continue giving, and thus leaving the refugees in another desperate, perhaps worse, situation?

What we give should, ideally at least, be given voluntarily rather than through taxation for three reasons:

-           There is more merit in giving freely than in giving under coercion;

-          Those who disagree with current refugee policies need not support them, while those who strongly favour them can support them abundantly;

-           Governments are not necessarily the most efficient vehicles for administering charity.

Then there is the more controversial question:
Why don’t we send what we can afford, in order to help the victims of the crisis, to their own country? Couldn’t we, in this way, save them the risks, cost and hardships of the journey?

Naturally there are other concerns whose reasonableness was highlighted by the massacre in Paris: security concerns; concerns about integration of immigrants into their host countries.

The left dismisses these concerns as being the wild rantings of right wing lunatics and racists, telling us that the 3,500 refugees that Ireland has agreed to accept will make up less than 0.1% of our population.

That would be a useful statistic if we were dealing with a group of 3,500 people who might be easily assimilated into our society, with a profile that is evenly distributed among both sexes and a wide range of age groups, cultures and religions.

However what we are dealing with is a group with a very singular demographic profile, and one that is largely self-segregating from the rest of society. Its members belong to a religion that is fiercely hostile to the West and to Christianity, and that easily justifies subduing and killing of infidels, not just because the right wing extremists made them do it, but because their holy book instructs them to do so.

Furthermore, according to the United Nations, 75% of the refugees currently migrating across Europe are men. Video footage would suggest that it is even more, and that the majority are young and fit.

But even taking the UN figure of 75%, we would have 2,625 strong, fit, young male members of a religion that is deeply hostile to our culture, religion and way of life due to arrive in Ireland by the end of next year.

Rather than comparing their number to the whole population of Ireland, wouldn’t it be more appropriate to compare it to the numbers in our army? That would be 35%.

Saturday, 14 November 2015

Mass Murder in Paris: the West is betrayed from within

Once again we wake up to hear of carnage on the streets of Paris. And once again the media and political “leaders” of the entire western world are unable to bring themselves to tell the truth about what happened.

A typical example is, not surprisingly, a report in The Irish Times, which goes into much detail about the terrorist attacks leading to the deaths of more than 125 people, without once mentioning islam or muslims. The report even goes as far as to state that Barrack Obama “declined to speculate as to who was responsible for the incidents.” Is that someone’s idea of a joke?

It is because of that kind of reporting, as well as the attitude of western politicians, that terrorism has become synonymous with islam in the mind of the public. But perhaps The Irish Times, Barrack Obama, and the rest of the western media and political establishment are correct. Maybe it isn’t necessary to make the distinction between terrorism and islamic terrorism.

After all, who in the western world is so dumb as to genuinely think that the terror attacks in Paris might have been carried out by anyone other than muslims.

And indeed if they had been, we can be sure that we would be well informed on the matter. It would be almost a cause for celebration among the western media and political elite – a proof of the great diversity and smooth functioning of our multicultural society. Or something like that.

Most people look to their governments to find some sort of solution to this situation.

But, at least in the West, governments are more the cause than the solution of the problem. They, backed by a great proportion of the media, are more responsible for the problem than islam is. Islam is what it is, and we can’t change that. There isn’t even any point in blaming islam.

Judging by media reports and statements from the political elite, we are not even supposed to expect muslims to behave responsibly, peacefully or justly.

The root cause of islamic terrorism in Europe is not what islam is, but the fact that it has penetrated into the heart of Europe, without showing any willingness to integrate with European culture, and taking with it its fiercely supremacist ideology. Not only do our governments and media turn a blind eye to this, but they actively facilitate it, accommodate it, and relentlessly persecute anyone who opposes it.

The establishment in the western world – media and government alike – is contributing to the death of European civilisation with a two pronged attack: while pandering to islam with legislation, easy immigration and financial assistance, those who defend western civilisation are treated as the enemy, are restricted in their ability to do anything about the problem.

Even debating the issue is no longer acceptable in much of the West.

Disarmed by their own governments – both physically and through myriad restrictions, regulations and laws – the western peoples are left as sitting ducks for a declared enemy of our civilisation, an enemy brought in by our governments without any mandate ever to do so.

At the very least the situation raises a question mark over the intentions of our government and media. 
Do they really want to destroy western civilisation, as appearances indicate?