“And Judas (Machabeus) said: Gird yourselves, and be valiant men, and be ready against the morning, that you may fight with these nations that are assembled against us to destroy us and our sanctuary.For it is better for us to die in battle, than to see the evils of our nation, and of the holies: Nevertheless as it shall be the will of God in heaven so be it done." (First Book of Machabees 3:58-60)

The First and Second books of Machabees recount how, in 167 B.C., the priest, Mattathias,refused to worship the Greek gods, sparking a rebellion of the Jews against Antiochus IV who had tried to supplant their religion with the veneration of his own pagan gods. Judas Machabeus and his brothers, sons of Mattathias, continued the war against the subjugation of their homeland and their religion.

In 17th Century Ireland the regiment of Owen Roe ONeill identified its struggle for freedom of faith and country with that of the Holy Machabees of Old Testament Judea. ONeill referred to his followers as his Irish Machabeans.

The same war between good and evil, one that has been waged from the beginning of time until now, still rages on. Inspired by the heroism of Machabeus, of Owen Roe ONeill and their followers, the Irish Machabean is dedicated to resisting all the outrages being perpetrated against the Catholic faith and against the Irish people in our days.

Saturday, 14 November 2015

Mass Murder in Paris: the West is betrayed from within

Once again we wake up to hear of carnage on the streets of Paris. And once again the media and political “leaders” of the entire western world are unable to bring themselves to tell the truth about what happened.

A typical example is, not surprisingly, a report in The Irish Times, which goes into much detail about the terrorist attacks leading to the deaths of more than 125 people, without once mentioning islam or muslims. The report even goes as far as to state that Barrack Obama “declined to speculate as to who was responsible for the incidents.” Is that someone’s idea of a joke?

It is because of that kind of reporting, as well as the attitude of western politicians, that terrorism has become synonymous with islam in the mind of the public. But perhaps The Irish Times, Barrack Obama, and the rest of the western media and political establishment are correct. Maybe it isn’t necessary to make the distinction between terrorism and islamic terrorism.

After all, who in the western world is so dumb as to genuinely think that the terror attacks in Paris might have been carried out by anyone other than muslims.

And indeed if they had been, we can be sure that we would be well informed on the matter. It would be almost a cause for celebration among the western media and political elite – a proof of the great diversity and smooth functioning of our multicultural society. Or something like that.

Most people look to their governments to find some sort of solution to this situation.

But, at least in the West, governments are more the cause than the solution of the problem. They, backed by a great proportion of the media, are more responsible for the problem than islam is. Islam is what it is, and we can’t change that. There isn’t even any point in blaming islam.

Judging by media reports and statements from the political elite, we are not even supposed to expect muslims to behave responsibly, peacefully or justly.

The root cause of islamic terrorism in Europe is not what islam is, but the fact that it has penetrated into the heart of Europe, without showing any willingness to integrate with European culture, and taking with it its fiercely supremacist ideology. Not only do our governments and media turn a blind eye to this, but they actively facilitate it, accommodate it, and relentlessly persecute anyone who opposes it.

The establishment in the western world – media and government alike – is contributing to the death of European civilisation with a two pronged attack: while pandering to islam with legislation, easy immigration and financial assistance, those who defend western civilisation are treated as the enemy, are restricted in their ability to do anything about the problem.

Even debating the issue is no longer acceptable in much of the West.

Disarmed by their own governments – both physically and through myriad restrictions, regulations and laws – the western peoples are left as sitting ducks for a declared enemy of our civilisation, an enemy brought in by our governments without any mandate ever to do so.

At the very least the situation raises a question mark over the intentions of our government and media. 
Do they really want to destroy western civilisation, as appearances indicate?

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